Polls and Results (USA 2020) (15 Threads)


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South Carolina
chessy, 02.03.2024 12:15
4 (17,642) 22.12.2024 03:23
gruener (Luddit)
Wann wird endlich ausgeschüttet
sorros, 18.02.2023 23:01
2 (25,985) 22.02.2023 22:33
Wie wir (künftig) die Prognosegüte ermitteln...
Wahlfieber Team, 01.06.2021 05:28
1 (31,466) 01.06.2021 05:28
Wahlfieber Team
Missouri Democratic Presidential Primary, 2020
gruener (Luddit), 06.03.2020 03:43
2 (44,225) 11.03.2020 22:36
gruener (Luddit)
Michigan Democratic Presidential Primary, 2020
gruener (Luddit), 06.03.2020 03:42
2 (43,773) 11.03.2020 22:25
gruener (Luddit)
14 (96,329) 11.03.2020 03:05
gruener (Luddit)
5 (61,715) 11.03.2020 02:55
gruener (Luddit)
Washington Democratic Presidential Primary, 2020
gruener (Luddit), 06.03.2020 03:44
1 (18,779) 06.03.2020 03:44
gruener (Luddit)
2 (23,131) 03.03.2020 23:09
gruener (Luddit)
3 (28,378) 03.03.2020 23:01
gruener (Luddit)
7 (55,744) 01.03.2020 22:25
gruener (Luddit)
Nevada Democratic Presidential Caucuses, 2020
Wahlfieber Team, 24.02.2020 20:12
1 (17,995) 24.02.2020 20:12
Wahlfieber Team
1 (18,457) 24.02.2020 20:11
Wahlfieber Team
Iowa Democratic Presidential Caucuses, 2020
Wahlfieber Team, 24.02.2020 20:10
1 (18,557) 24.02.2020 20:10
Wahlfieber Team
Hinweise zur Nutzung dieses Forums
Wahlfieber Team, 24.02.2020 20:08
1 (14,597) 24.02.2020 20:08
Wahlfieber Team
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