Traders' ranking list by 18.12.2024 23:00

The trader ranking list shows the most successful traders on the electoral stock market.
To evalute all transactions so far were taken into account. More about the exact calculation of the total ranking can be found in the Infocenter.

Next calculation 19.12.2024 05:00

Entries 2126 - 2150 by 6179
Position User Points Performance Overall performance
2,101 mmak 56 -11.65 % -0.36 %
2,101 makeitreal 56 +7.95 % +7.95 %
2,101 Hermsi 56 -2.04 % -0.68 %
2,101 CRICKET 56 -0.73 % -1.75 %
2,101 nokatomo 56 +10.32 % +2.99 %
2,101 cyberwolf777 56 +5.47 % +5.47 %
2,101 tinca9 56 +6.24 % +3.12 %
2,101 Dracula 56 +26.27 % +4.35 %
2,101 andin21 56 -5.76 % -0.58 %
2,101 wolve89 56 -1.74 % -1.03 %
2,101 siegessicher 56 +5.55 % +5.55 %
2,101 1uk3 56 +11.59 % +11.59 %
2,101 Coppetlo 56 -2.34 % -1.17 %
2,101 Ypskoch 56 -35.94 % -11.98 %
2,101 hohutte 56 +5.39 % +5.39 %
2,141 Newman 55 +0.43 % +0.11 %
2,141 Bart1977 55 +7.88 % +7.88 %
2,141 RAutengruber 55 +10.96 % +10.96 %
2,141 SEPTM3AF 55 +19.82 % +4.95 %
2,141 Desaster 55 -11.98 % -2.00 %
2,141 KielerSprotte78 55 +17.96 % +17.96 %
2,141 Beggi 55 +160.88 % +53.63 %
2,141 sympathietraeger 55 +6.87 % +6.87 %
2,141 IIIRUFiIII 55 -14.30 % -4.77 %
2,141 Chrisrocky 55 +10.34 % +3.45 %
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What we predict...

Wahlfieber, originally a platform from the German-speaking world, offers (user-based) forecasts on elections worldwide - using political prediction markets without applying any algorythm.

Our focus

Germany / Austria / Switzerland
All national and state elections as well as selected local, mayoral and party elections

Almost all national elections as well as selected presidential, regional and local elections and votes.

All presidential, senatorial and house elections (including mid-term and most presidential primaries/caucusses) as well as important special and state elections.

All national and state elections as well as important special, local and mayoral elections and votes.

National elections - including Australia, Canada, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, etc.

Important elections in 2023

  • Several state elections in Germany and Austria
  • Presidential election in the Czech Republic
  • National elections in Finland, Turkey, Greece, Poland, Switzerland and Spain

How does this work?

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