harvey on political stock market

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Current posts from harvey

Market ranking - current rank

Market Position Participants
German general election, 2021 (small parties) 13 42
German general election, 2021 44 81
Berlin state election, 2021 23 60
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern state election, 2021 21 50
Europawahl Deutschland 2019 (Kleinstparteien) 25 44
Europawahl Deutschland 2019 (kleine Parteien) 35 69
Europawahl Deutschland 2019 42 83
Bürgerschaftswahl Bremen 2019 (kl. Parteien) 26 50
Bürgerschaftswahl Bremen 2019 34 63
Bürgerschaftswahl Bremerhaven 2015 36 53
Oberbürgermeisterwahl Kiel 2012 93 439
Senate elections - Canton Aargau 47 222
Senate elections - Canton Bern 47 252
Senate elections - Canton Glarus 27 91
Senate elections - Canton Lucerne 43 116
Senate elections - Canton Schaffhausen 99 120
Senate elections - Canton Solothurn 70 179
Senate elections in Canton St. Gallen 111 345
Senate elections in Ticino 38 105
Senate elections - Canton Thurgau 27 131
Senate elections - Canton Uri 55 119
Senate elections - Canton Vaud 37 86
Ständeratswahlen 2011 - Kanton Zug 37 96
Senate elections - Canton Zurich 111 260
Swiss Senate elections - allocation of seats 131 457
Swiss Parliamentary election in Aargau 8 82
Swiss Senate election 2011 - Canton Appenzell Ausserrhoden 65 134
House of Representatives 2011 - Canton Basel-Landschaft 26 72
House of Representatives 2011 - Canton Basel-Stadt 59 144
House of Representatives 2011 - Canton Bern 31 149
House of Representatives 2011 - Canton Fribourg 44 113
House of Representatives 2011 - Canton Geneva 30 88
House of Representatives 2011 - Canton Graubünden 127 211
Swiss Parliamentary election in Neuchâtel 17 58
House of Representatives 2011 - Canton Ticino 25 112
House of Representatives 2011 - Canton Vaud 49 99
Swiss Parliamentary election in Zurich 24 143
Swiss parliamentary elections 2011 - Voter turnout 102 261
House of Representatives election 2011 – big parties 188 1,499
House of Representatives election 2011 – smallest parties 39 293
House of Representatives election 2011 – small parties 376 609
Kantonale Wahlen Luzern 2011 29 48
Wien 76 193
Bürgerentscheid Lübeck 3 75
Bürgerentscheid Lübeck - Wahlbeteiligung 61 65
Schleswig-Holstein 31 275
Car market AUT 32 62

Market ranking - total

Market Position Participants
Bürgerentscheid Lübeck 3 75
Swiss Parliamentary election in Aargau 8 82
Hungary 11 49
Peter Harry Carstensen 12 94
German general election, 2021 (small parties) 13 42
Ralf Stegner 16 97
Swiss Parliamentary election in Neuchâtel 17 58
Schweiz - Nachwahl Bundesrat 20 36
USA - 538 21 71
Berlin state election, 2021 23 60
Swiss Parliamentary election in Zurich 24 143
House of Representatives 2011 - Canton Ticino 25 112
House of Representatives 2011 - Canton Basel-Landschaft 26 72
Slovenia 26 50
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern state election, 2021 21 50
Bürgerschaftswahl Bremen 2019 (kl. Parteien) 26 50
Senate elections - Canton Thurgau 27 131
Senate elections - Canton Glarus 27 91
USA - Florida 28 77
Bavaria 28 169
Tirol 28 397
Niederösterreich 28 106
Europawahl Deutschland 2019 (Kleinstparteien) 25 44
Kantonale Wahlen Luzern 2011 29 48
Greece 29 77
House of Representatives 2011 - Canton Geneva 30 88
Liechtenstein 30 48
House of Representatives 2011 - Canton Bern 31 149
Schleswig-Holstein 31 275
Saarland 32 163
Car market AUT 32 62
Bürgerschaftswahl Bremen 2019 34 63
Sweden 34 68
Germany 35 139
Israel 35 100
Spain 36 69
Senate elections - Canton Vaud 37 86
Ständeratswahlen 2011 - Kanton Zug 37 96
Schl.-Holst. Wahlbeteiligung 37 58
United Kingdom 37 79
Bürgerschaftswahl Bremerhaven 2015 36 53
Senate elections in Ticino 38 105
House of Representatives election 2011 – smallest parties 39 293
Hungary 39 79
Vorarlberg 40 87
Germany 40 74
USA - House 40 89
USA -Ohio 41 75
Ypsilanti 41 74
Bavaria 41 132
Europawahl Deutschland 2019 42 83
Hessen - Wahlbeteiligung 42 84
Drittstärkste Kraft 42 129
Europawahl Deutschland 2019 (kleine Parteien) 35 69
Senate elections - Canton Lucerne 43 116
Israel - Ale Yarok 43 65
Spanien 43 68
House of Representatives 2011 - Canton Fribourg 44 113
Iceland 45 92
German general election, 2021 44 81
Dtl. - Kl. Parteien (interner Markt) 46 113
Schl.-Holst. - Kleine Parteien 46 86
Schleswig-Holstein 46 103
Hamburg - coalitions 46 121
Senate elections - Canton Aargau 47 222
Senate elections - Canton Bern 47 252
Schleswig-Holstein 51 214
North Rhine-Westphalia 51 104
Federal Convention Germany 51 101
Schweiz - SVP 51 96
Referendum Berlin 54 109
USA - President 54 221
Senate elections - Canton Uri 55 119
Thuringia 55 146
Konjunkturpaket 55 80
Klubanzahl 56 142
Petition for a referendum Berlin 57 87
SPÖ 57 155
BZÖ 57 102
Österreich - Neuwahlen 57 132
Italien - preferred 57 82
House of Representatives 2011 - Canton Basel-Stadt 59 144
Germany 60 180
Schweiz - Bundesrat 2008 60 88
House of Representatives 2011 - Canton Vaud 49 99
Bürgerentscheid Lübeck - Wahlbeteiligung 61 65
CH - Volksabstimmung am 08.02.2009 61 78
Hessen - Drittstärkste Partei 62 134
Dtl. - Überhangmandate 63 84
Fußball: 1. Bundesliga D 63 122
USA - Senate 2008 65 97
Österreich - Tirol 65 124
Swiss Senate election 2011 - Canton Appenzell Ausserrhoden 65 134
Austria 69 144
Senate elections - Canton Solothurn 70 179
Hessen - Koalition 71 121
Republican Candidate 72 166
Wien 76 193
Stärkste Partei 76 198
Wahlbeteiligung 80 141
Saxony 85 146
Hesse - coalitions 85 257
Germany 89 226
Österreich - Kärnten 89 132
KPÖ - BZÖ 91 129
Hesse 96 245
ÖVP 97 171
Senate elections - Canton Schaffhausen 99 120
GRÜNE 104 194
BZÖ 104 168
Senate elections - Canton Zurich 111 260
Senate elections in Canton St. Gallen 111 345
FPÖ 114 171
Dinkhauser 115 220
House of Representatives 2011 - Canton Graubünden 127 211
Swiss Senate elections - allocation of seats 131 457
Oberbürgermeisterwahl Kiel 2012 93 439
Swiss parliamentary elections 2011 - Voter turnout 102 261
USA Elections 2008 138 294
LIF 161 234
House of Representatives election 2011 – big parties 188 1,499
Österreich - SPÖ 205 505
Germany 350 559
House of Representatives election 2011 – small parties 376 609
Austria 476 725
Hamburg 617 866
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Wahlfieber, originally a platform from the German-speaking world, offers (user-based) forecasts on elections worldwide - using political prediction markets without applying any algorythm.

Our focus

Germany / Austria / Switzerland
All national and state elections as well as selected local, mayoral and party elections

Almost all national elections as well as selected presidential, regional and local elections and votes.

All presidential, senatorial and house elections (including mid-term and most presidential primaries/caucusses) as well as important special and state elections.

All national and state elections as well as important special, local and mayoral elections and votes.

National elections - including Australia, Canada, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, etc.

Important elections in 2023

  • Several state elections in Germany and Austria
  • Presidential election in the Czech Republic
  • National elections in Finland, Turkey, Greece, Poland, Switzerland and Spain

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