singgold on political stock market

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Current posts from singgold

Market ranking - total

Market Position Participants
Italy 6 59
Nachwahlen Bundesrat 2008 7 36
South Tyrol 8 85
24 - 7th Season IV 9 71
SPD-Kanzlerkandidat 9 156
Kärnten 12 137
Schweiz - Volksabstimmung 13 48
BZÖ 14 102
USA - Senate 2008 16 97
Tirol 17 397
Serbia 18 23
Australian Open 2009 (Men) 19 80
Italien - preferred 19 82
USA - Florida 20 77
Oscar 09: Foreign Language Film 24 60
KPÖ - BZÖ 26 129
Gruppe C 26 80
Gruppe B 28 92
South Tyrol 30 43
Schweiz - Volksabstimmung 31 44
Iceland 32 92
Gruppe D 32 76
Bayern - Ministerpräsident 34 68
Oscar 09: Best Picture 36 59
Tirol - Koalition 36 66
Schleswig-Holstein 36 103
USA -Ohio 37 75
Lithuania 38 57
Bayern-Koalitionen 39 73
Ypsilanti 42 74
Petition for a referendum Berlin 45 87
Hesse 45 245
USA - President 45 221
Europameister 1 45 72
Hamburg - coalitions 47 121
Bavaria 50 169
LIF 54 234
Gruppe A 56 87
Slovenia 60 66
Spanien 60 68
Australian Open 2009 (Women) 62 80
SPD-Vorsitzender 62 62
Bayern 1 62 72
Hamburg 64 179
USA - House 66 89
Europameister 71 122
EM-Spielemarkt 71 81
Referendum Berlin 80 109
Wahlbeteiligung 81 141
Österreich - Koalitionen 84 113
Schweiz - Bundesrat 2008 85 88
Hessen - Die Linke 86 130
Drittstärkste Kraft 86 129
Salzburg 87 114
Wolfgang Clement 87 88
Niederösterreich 90 106
Republican Candidate 97 166
GRÜNE 100 194
Österreich - Neuwahlen 102 132
Hessen - Neuwahlen 104 129
Österreich - Tirol 109 124
van Staa 109 122
Österreich - Kärnten 116 132
Hessen - Drittstärkste Partei 127 134
Bavaria 128 132
Democratic Primaries 129 132
Klubanzahl 132 142
USA Elections 2008 133 294
Große Koalition 150 163
Federal President Germany 186 251
Stärkste Partei 187 198
Dinkhauser 203 220
Bundeskanzler 211 220
Democratic Candidate 212 310
Hesse - coalitions 250 257
Österreich - SPÖ 385 505
Austria 658 725
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Wahlfieber, originally a platform from the German-speaking world, offers (user-based) forecasts on elections worldwide - using political prediction markets without applying any algorythm.

Our focus

Germany / Austria / Switzerland
All national and state elections as well as selected local, mayoral and party elections

Almost all national elections as well as selected presidential, regional and local elections and votes.

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All national and state elections as well as important special, local and mayoral elections and votes.

National elections - including Australia, Canada, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, etc.

Important elections in 2023

  • Several state elections in Germany and Austria
  • Presidential election in the Czech Republic
  • National elections in Finland, Turkey, Greece, Poland, Switzerland and Spain

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