Aufruf an das Österreichische Außenministerium

Beiträge 41 - 50 von 98
  • Friede in Nahost - ein erreichbares Ziel?

    Wanli, 05.06.2010 02:15, Antwort auf #40
    Sehr interessanter Beitrag in "Foreign Policy". Der Autor war Nahost-Experte verschiedener amerikanischer Regierungen und zieht Bilanz seines damaligen Schaffens, als er immer wieder Präsidenten (George B. den Ersten oder Bill Clinton) zum Friedenstiften animiert hatte. Ein eher negatives Fazit: Die Führungen der beteiligten Staaten haben allesamt weder das Format noch den Mut für eine umfassende Friedensinitiative, die Vereinigten Staaten können aus diversen Gründen auch nicht wirklich Druck auf sie ausüben. Und der Friedensprozess sei auf der Liste der wichtigen außenpolitischen Ziele aus US-Sicht auch nach unten gerutscht; einst habe man geglaubt, ein wirklicher Frieden in Palästina sei der heilige Gral, der schlagartig die meisten Probleme in dieser Weltgegend lösen werde, heute sei dagegen klar, dass dem nicht so sei. Amerika müsse sich überschaubare und realistische Ziele stecken, mit denen bei einem Scheitern nicht zuviel Prestige flöten gehe:

    "The United States needs to do what it can, including working with Israelis and Palestinians on negotiating core final-status issues (particularly on borders, where the gaps are narrowest), helping Palestinians develop their institutions, getting the Israelis to assist by allowing Palestinians to breathe economically and expand their authority, and keeping Gaza calm, even as it tries to relieve the desperation and sense of siege through economic assistance. But America should also be aware of what it cannot do, as much as what it can.

    Alfred, Lord Tennyson, who probably didn't know much about the Middle East, said it best: "There lives more faith in honest doubt, believe me, then in half the creeds." And maybe, if that leads to more realistic thinking when it comes to America's view of Arab-Israeli peacemaking, that's not such a bad thing.",0
  • Re: ganz so harmlos, war der Konvoi eben nicht.

    gruener (Luddit), 05.06.2010 02:22, Antwort auf #37
    Damit hält sich eine Hamas am Ruder, die
    > der eigenen Bevölkerung außer der Feindschaft zu Israel kaum etwas zu
    > bieten hat.

    dieser satz spricht eigentlich für sich.

    böse formuliert: die israelische politik hält eine terrororganisation am leben, weil sie sich von der existenz eines klaren feindbildes mehr verspricht als von einer gemeinsamen koexistenz. und - um noch einmal erich fried zu bemühen -, weil die grausamkeit ihrer feinde in ihnen weiterlebt.

    besser noch: die israelische rechte braucht die hamas wie die hamas die israelische rechte braucht.

    diese mörderische teufelsspirale zu durchbrechen, ist keiner der beteiligten je mehr in der lage.

    das fatale ist nur, dass eben dieser konflikt konsequenzen zeitigt, die längst global zu spüren sind und die weit über nine-eleven hinaus reichen.

  • Versprecher des Tages

    Wanli, 05.06.2010 02:35, Antwort auf #41
    War hoffentlich nicht so gemeint, wie es sich anhört, was der türkische Botschafter in Washington da heute vom Stapel gelassen hat:

    "For a final solution, you cannot ignore Hamas. That's what we are saying."

    Ein guter Artikel, der gegen die israelische Gaza-Politik argumentiert (von MediaMatters):;=13b19deef6&e;=2d2584b865
  • Re: ganz so harmlos, war der Konvoi eben nicht.

    Wanli, 05.06.2010 02:44, Antwort auf #42
    > böse formuliert: die israelische politik hält eine terrororganisation am
    > leben, weil sie sich von der existenz eines klaren feindbildes mehr
    > verspricht als von einer gemeinsamen koexistenz.

    Ja, davon profitieren natürlich auch israelische Hardliner. Und dem oben zitierten Artikel aus Foreign Policy zufolge haben die Politiker auch einfach Angst; Arafat soll dem Autor gesagt haben, er wolle nicht, dass der eines Tages hinter seinem Sarg hermarschiere. Sadat, Rabin - beide ermordet, weil sie ein Friedensabkommen suchten.
  • Re: Agenden betreibende Propagandazentralen versuchen über gleich geschaltete Medien verzweifelt

    erich haiderer, 05.06.2010 03:49, Antwort auf #25
    Nun formulieren wir es so: Die Menschen auf den Strassen fühlen sich von Seiten der Systemmedien nicht ausreichend informiert, sind mit den Indoktrinatioen nicht mehr wirklich zufrieden:
    Wenn man z.B. nach der Meinung der Menschen auf den Strassen googelt taucht folgendes Video auf:

  • US-Regierung nennt Blockade nicht haltbar/Sail on "Rachel Corrie"

    carokann, 05.06.2010 04:22, Antwort auf #45
    #46 m_medium=twitter

    "We are working urgently with Israel, the Palestinian Authority, and other international partners to develop new procedures for delivering more goods and assistance to Gaza," said Mike Hammer, spokesman for the White House National Security Council.

    "The current arrangements are unsustainable and must be changed. For now, we call on all parties to join us in encouraging responsible decisions by all sides to avoid any unnecessary confrontations,"

    You heard of Rachel Corrie?
    The press won't tell her story
    Caught between a house and bulldozer
    She found out that Israel
    Hates gardens and it will kill
    Americans who help rebuild the Gaza Strip.

    Let's pretend that everything will be OK
    It's not our fault let's look the other way
    And go to films or dance lessons or baseball
    games at night
    and trust elected leaders to choose right

    I hurt for Rachel's father
    To bury his young daughter
    And her belief in human goodness
    He taught her to fight violence
    Now all that's left is silence
    And the memory of her dignity
    Let's pretend...
    Rachel I hope you find justice or even a
    Garden where anyone can grow some food in peace
    No guns, no need to fight. No poor, no black no white,
    Heaven, you deserve a break from misery.

    Interview mit Rachel Corrie:
    Billy Bragg

    But you who philosophise disgrace and criticise all fears,
    Take the rag away from your face.
    Now ain't the time for your tears.

    Das nach "Rachel Corrie" benannte Schiff mit der irischen Friedensnobelpreisträgerin an Bord ist noch ca 100 Seemeilen von Gaza entfernt.

    An Bord sind:

    Additionally there are 9 crew aboard: 1 from the UK, 2 from Cuba, and 6 from the Phillipines.
    The Hon. Mohd Nizar Zakaria, Parit Member of Parliament, Malaysia
    Fiona Thompson, film-maker, Ireland
    Abdul Halim Bin Mohamed, journalist, Malaysia
    Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Ireland
    Shamsul Akmar Musa Kamal, PGPO representative, Malaysia
    Mohd Jufri Bin Mohd Judin, journalist, Malaysia
    Denis Halliday, former UN Assistant Secretary General, Ireland
    Jenny Graham, Free Gaza Ireland
    Derek Graham, Free Gaza Ireland
    Matthias Chang, attorney, author & human rights worker, Malaysia
    Ahmed Faizal bin Azumu, human rights worker, Malaysia

  • Sail on "Rachel Corrie"

    carokann, 05.06.2010 05:45, Antwort auf #46
    > utm_medium=twitter

    Die "Rachel Corrie" hat Alexandria passiert und fährt nun die Küste entlang Richtung Gaza. (Nahe der 25 Seemeilen-Grenze)

    ETA ca. 7 MESZ

  • Türkischer Autopsiebericht

    carokann, 05.06.2010 06:30, Antwort auf #47
    #48 lts?CMP=twt_gu

    Nine Turkish men on board the Mavi Marmara were shot a total of 30 times and five were killed by gunshot wounds to the head, according to the vice-chairman of the Turkish council of forensic medicine, which carried out the autopsies for the Turkish ministry of justice today.

    The results revealed that a 60-year-old man, Ibrahim Bilgen, was shot four times in the temple, chest, hip and back. A 19-year-old, named as Fulkan Dogan, who also has US citizenship, was shot five times from less that 45cm, in the face, in the back of the head, twice in the leg and once in the back. Two other men were shot four times, and five of the victims were shot either in the back of the head or in the back, said Yalcin Buyuk, vice-chairman of the council of forensic medicine.

    The findings emerged as more survivors gave their accounts of the raids. Ismail Patel, the chairman of Leicester-based pro-Palestinian group Friends of al-Aqsa, who returned to Britain today, told how he witnessed some of the fatal shootings and claimed that Israel had operated a "shoot to kill policy".

    He calculated that during the bloodiest part of the assault, Israeli commandos shot one person every minute. One man was fatally shot in the back of the head just two feet in front him and another was shot once between the eyes. He added that as well as the fatally wounded, 48 others were suffering from gunshot wounds and six activists remained missing, suggesting the death toll may increase.

    The new information about the manner and intensity of the killings undermines Israel's insistence that its soldiers opened fire only in self defence and in response to attacks by the activists.
  • Re: Sail on "Rachel Corrie"

    carokann, 05.06.2010 07:08, Antwort auf #47
    Das Schiff wurde in den frühen Morgenstunden von der israelischen Marine aufgebracht.
  • Die glorreiche israelische Armee

    carokann, 05.06.2010 12:47, Antwort auf #49
    Robert Fisk berichtet seit Jahrzehnten aus dem Nahen Osten ind-the-israeli-propaganda-1991803.html

    I wasn't personally at all surprised at the killings on the Turkish ship. In Lebanon, I've seen this indisciplined rabble of an army – as "elite" as the average rabble of Arab armies – shooting at civilians. I saw them watching the Sabra and Shatila massacre of Palestinians on the morning of 18 September (the last day of the slaughter) by their vicious Lebanese militia allies. I was present at the Qana massacre by Israeli gunners in 1996 – "Arabushim" (the equivalent of the abusive term "Ayrab" in English), one of the gunners called the 106 dead civilians, more than half of them children, in the Israeli press. Then the Israeli government of Nobel laureate Shimon Peres said there were terrorists among the dead civilians – totally untrue, but who cares? – and then came the second Qana massacre in 2006 and then the 2008-09 Gaza slaughter of 1,300 Palestinians, most of them children, and then...

    Well, then came the Goldstone report, which found that Israeli troops (as well as Hamas) committed war crimes in Gaza, but this was condemned as anti-Semitic – poor old honourable Goldstone, himself a prominent Jewish jurist from South Africa, slandered as "an evil man" by the raving Al Dershowitz of Harvard – and was called "controversial" by the brave Obama administration. "Controversial", by the way, basically means "fuck you".

    There's doubts about it, you see. It's dodgy stuff.

    But back to our chronology. Then we had the Mossad murder of a Hamas official in Dubai with the Israelis using at least 19 forged passports from Britain and other countries. And the pathetic response of our then foreign secretary, David Miliband? He called it "an incident" – not the murder of the guy in Dubai, mind you, just the forgery of UK passports, a highly "controversial" matter – and then... Well, now we've had the shooting down of nine passengers at sea by more Israeli heroes.

    The amazing thing in all this is that so many Western journalists – and I'm including the BBC's pusillanimous coverage of the Gaza aid ships – are writing like Israeli journalists, while many Israeli journalists are writing about the killings with the courage that Western journalists should demonstrate. And about the Israeli army itself. Take Amos Harel's devastating report in Haaretz which analyses the make-up of the Israeli army's officer corps. In the past, many of them came from the leftist kibbutzim tradition, from greater Tel Aviv or from the coastal plain of Sharon. In 1990, only 2 per cent of army cadets were religious Orthodox Jews. Today the figure is 30 per cent. Six of the seven lieutenant-colonels in the Golani Brigade are religious. More than 50 per cent of local commanders are "national" religious in some infantry brigades.

    There's nothing wrong with being religious. But – although Harel does not make this point quite so strongly – many of the Orthodox are supporters of the colonisation of the West Bank and thus oppose a Palestinian state.

    And the Orthodox colonists are the Israelis who most hate the Palestinians, who want to erase the chances of a Palestinian state as surely as some Hamas officials would like to erase Israel. Ironically, it was senior officers of the "old" Israeli army who first encouraged the "terrorist" Hamas to build mosques in Gaza – as a counterbalance to the "terrorist" Yasser Arafat up in Beirut – and I was a witness to one of their meetings. But it will stay the same old story before the world wakes up. "I have never known an army as democratic as Israel's," the hapless French philosopher Bernard-Henri Lévy said a few hours before the slaughter.

    Yes, the Israeli army is second to none, elite, humanitarian, heroic. Just don't tell the Somali pirates.
Beiträge 41 - 50 von 98

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